Friday 27 July 2012

Switzerland Here We Come!

5 July 2012 - Today we travel to Switzerland for a whole other experience.  Bellagio - Menaggio - Lugano - Lucerne.

An early start getting up at 3:30am to get ready to leave beautiful Bellagio to catch the first car ferry to Menaggio.  The trip across Lake Como was lovely and Menaggio has a similar feel to Bellagio.  We boarded a bus which travelled westwards up through the mountainside and across the border to Lugano, Switzerland.  Since the bus drops you off on the eastern side of the town, we walked towards town and got a taxi to the train station, where we boarded the train with two minutes to spare.  The next station is where we had to change trains at Bellinzona for the William Tell Express,

Trevor on the William Tell Express.

this was a beautiful trip through and round the mountains
No these views are not the same moment but
also some scenery on the William Tell Express

View from the William Tell Express

to Fluelen where we got the ferry to Lucerne.

Fluelen where passengers from the William Tell Express change to the ferry

The ferry trip was slow but enjoyable as we sat in the first class dining area and ate Swiss Cuisine 

Swiss Cuisine, First Class dining, William Tell Express, Ferry section.

afterwards sitting on the front balcony taking in the views of mountains, the lake and lakeside villages, soaking up some sun at the same time.  

One of the lakeside villages from the ferry from Fluelen to Lucerne

When we reached Lucerne then checked into the Krone Hotel, a nice hotel in the old centre of the city with views over the square below.  

View from the Hotel Krone, Lucerne

We  explored Spreuerbruecke (Spreuer Bridge) which was completed in 1408 and the 67 paintings that represent the Dance of Death, which was name this because this was where chafts of wheat were thrown into the river.

Spruerbruecke, Lucerne

One of the 67 paintings which make up the Dance of Death Collection on the Spruerbruecke, Lucerne

We walked across the Kapellbrecke (Chapel Bridge), like the other bridge it was constructed in the 1400's as part of the city's fortifications.  The 17th century paintings are of Swiss people and local history including the city's patron saints, Leodegar and Mauritius.

Kapellbrecke, Lucerne

Then we had tea and did some souvenir shopping.

Late night shopping in Lucerne
Swiss Cuisine, Lucerne

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Bellagio on Lake Como

Like the rest of our stay in Italy the weather was sunny but the temperatures seemed a little lower, around the high 20's or low 30's, making our visit to Bellagio very comfortable.

3 July 2012 - We had another early morning start travelling by two taxi's, two trains and a ferry to arrive in Bellagio by 2pm.  We checked into the very nice Hotel Metropole Bellagio where we had a side room with views of the lake and street along the waterfront plus a balcony.

View from our room at the Hotel Metropole Bellagio

At 3:30pm we boarded a water taxi tour to Villa del Balbianello, last owned by Guido Monzino, a Milanese businessman who was a collector and explorer.  

Bellagio Water Taxi, Villa Balbianello Tour

Villa del Balbianello

He created a private museum at the villa, which is now open to tours. Our guide helped to explain the decor, the artworks and artifacts as well as the building's history and its owners. 

One of the rare items in the private museum at Villa del Balbianello.

The villa was also used as the backdrop for a scene in Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones and in two other movies, A Month By The Lake and Casino Royale.  

Backdrop for Star Wars Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

That night we dined at the restaurant at the Hotel Metropole which I chose an interesting selection of fish.  The first fish I ate was bone free, starting left to right but then the middle one had bones which included ones as small as a strand of hair and soft too, maybe you could eat them but I couldn't bare to try so after a long time I picked all the bones out.  The last fish I did manager to eat most of it, the only reason I stopped eating was I was sick of picking bones out.  Yummy but be prepared!

Three fishes at the Hotel Metropole

The next day the weather was slightly cooler and came in cloudy later in the afternoon.  We had a beautiful big breakfast at the hotel, then walked to Villa Melzi to view the gardens,

Gardini del Villa Melzi
Gardini del Villa Melzi

the tickets are for all day so we explored the gardens for a while before heading off to Promo Bellagio located in a watchtower.  This is where we booked our ticket for a tour of Villa Serbelloni's grounds which is owned by the Rockefeller Foundation of New York.  Our guide was very knowledgeable and told us about the villas past as well as its current use where leaders in various fields of work can spend four weeks concentrating on their work, this meant that we could not take photos of the Villa Serbelloni or any of the people there.  

Top right Villa Serbelloni, stone watchtower Promo Bellagio 

Bellagio from Villa Serbelloni gounds

After completing this tour we walked around to Punta Spartivento at the very tip of Bellagio, had lunch and then returned to Villa Melzi's gardens to finish exploring the perfectly landscaped gardens.  Returning to Punta Spartivento for a swim in Lake Como and had an ice cream in Bellagio's first Gelato shop opened in 1919 and served by the original owners, son.

Where we swam at Punta Spartivento

Sunday 22 July 2012

Vatican City

For those who know me, today is a special day and you know why.  We had an early morning taxi pick up for the Vatican City tour, met the tour company at their office and boarded a full coach of English speaking tourists to the Vatican.  After entering the Vatican we looked at boards showing Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel to have them explained by the guide as once in the chapel you have to be silent.  Inside the Sistine Chapel the artworks are overwhelming as every space of the walls and roof are painted.

Explanation of the artworks in the Sistine Chapel

One of the tapestries

Inside the Vatican 

After being in the Sistine Chapel we walked through a room full of paintings of maps of countries (Australia excluded), a room of tapestries and then we entered St Peter's Basilica which is full of mosaics, sculptures and marble.  This is where we saw John Paul II's tomb, outside we saw the place where the chimney goes up to signal the death of the Pope and that they have appointed another Pope.

Pope John Paul II's tomb

Inside St Peter's Basilica
Where the chimney will appear on the death of the Pope.

We finished off the tour with some souvenir shopping and then got dropped off by the tour company near the Ferrari shop where Trevor bought a Ferrari cap and I bought Justin a Ferrari flag.  

Ferrari in the Ferrari shop

We did more shopping and then returned to the Elite Hotel, where we planned the afternoon activity, the Catacombs or a sleep.  Having survived on about 4-5 hours sleep for 2 weeks it was decided a sleep would be the best option.  

After an afternoon nap we went out for gelato, walked to the Spanish Steps and then dinner at the Fillipo di Manta Restaurant at the Majestic Hotel, where we think we saw the bus returning with the Italian Soccer team after loosing the final in the European Soccer League against Spain.  

Dinner at Fillipo di Manta Restaurant, Rome

Friday 20 July 2012

Naples and Pompeii side trip

As usual Trevor and I had another early morning start to catch the train on a Sunday morning to Naples or Napoli, depending on your language.  The view of Naples from the train, shows a poorer shabbier side of Italy.

Pompeii Cityscape

We made our way to the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, full of sculptures, Pompeii items of paintings, mosaics, glassware, metal and pottery items.  After a number of hours we made our way out side for a pizza for lunch.

Pompeii Mosaics
Paintings from Pompeii

Pizza in Naples

After lunch we boarded another train to Scavi and walked to Herculaneum (, stop! we are wanting to go to Pompeii.  Oops, wrong place, a couple of photos and back to the train station to get a train to Pompeii. 


With  just over an hour to explore Pompeii we rushed around the ruins taking photos and exploring the remains of buildings.  To my disappointment where is the plaster bodies which is what remains of the residents, asking around I find they are stored in another area which we found in time, before leaving to get the three trains back to Barberini in Rome.  

Me at Pompeii

Inside a residence at Pompeii
Pompeii body and items

On the return we met an Italian Oil Dealer who gave us advise on the best place to get gelatos and to have a nice dinner in Rome, while we told him about Australia and recommended that he visit Victoria.  This is because he wanted an Italian style cultural experience and beaches with change rooms and not the free pristine beaches we know and love.   

Second Day In Rome

30 June 2012 - Early morning to see some of the sights before other tourists, we visited the Trevi fountain, which is stunning, no I didn't through any money in, I need it for my holiday!

Trevi Fountain

Then the Spanish Steps but on the way I was annoyed that I broke the heel off my silver and pewter sandals.  Pit stop at the hotel to change treads.  Bought almost the same shoe while in Rome, so all good, made it to the Spanish Steps by 7:00am, so hence very few tourists around.

Spanish Steps

Breakfast back in the hotel and then off for the days exploring.  First stop the Pantheon, side trip on the way to Augustus' Mausoleum,

Augustus' Mausoleum

if you want to know more click on this link, and then across the road is the temple Ara Pacis,  

Images from the Ara Pacis

Continuing on we saw Piazza Novona and Palazzo Madama, finally reaching the Pantheon along with many other people, but this does not distract from the beauty and serenity one experiences,,_Rome.

Inside the Pantheon

From here we head towards the Colosseum or in Italian, Colosseo, we walked past the Museo Centrale del Risorgimento which houses military items and art exhibitions.  After a pit stop we walked to the Arco del Tito at the entrance of the Roman Forum, Colosseum, Arco di Constantino and the Palatino.  Having a Roma Pass entitled us to two museums which we used it for the Museo Nationale Romano, the day before and for the Colosseum, which meant we could skip the queues and take the Roma Pass gate instead.  We often paid the extra to skip the queue because we are here to see the sights, not to stand in a queue for hours.  We paid for the audio guide and explored the Colosseum, what a building!  It would have been better if we had got on one of the tours which took you up higher in the building and also on the new floor and underneath. 

Colosseum Exterior

Interior of the Colosseum

Trevor and I explored the Palatine Hill for some time until it was 4:00pm, when I left him to do some clothes shopping.  

Exploring Palatine Hill

My plans was to buy one expensive drop dead outfit but since I had wrecked two summer shirts and a pair of shoes, I needed to find replacements for them first.  Barberini was my starting point for the shopping, I bought two shirts, two dresses, a skirt and a pair of shoes, so hence no expensive designer label stuff, but the clothes were made in Italy.  Before dinner, another trip to the Spanish Steps were in order.   

Tuesday 17 July 2012

First day in Rome

29 June - Another day in the high 30's, perfect for a Queenslander, living in New South Wales, trying to escape the Australian winter.  This morning we checked out of the I Parigi and caught a bus and train to Rome.  There we checked into the Elite Hotel.

One of the trains used on our trip around Italy.

Value for money lunch at Republica.

This accommodation is basic and clean.  At the start it was a real come down after our accommodation in Florence but it was clean, centrally located and the staff were lovely, making up for the cosmetic things such as paint peeling off the walls in the hallway.  

This afternoon was spent at the Museo Nationale Romano: Palazzo Massimo which is full of ancient sculptures, mosaics and the most amazing coin collection, housed in a huge vault.  

Gold hair net belonging to a Roman woman.

Remains of  the walls and floor of a Roman Villa on display at  Palazzo Massimo.
After that we did an open top bus tour of the inner city area, seeing a number of sights but our first view of the Colosseo was a highlight.

First sight of the Colosseo.

Castel Sant'Angelo.