Friday 20 July 2012

Naples and Pompeii side trip

As usual Trevor and I had another early morning start to catch the train on a Sunday morning to Naples or Napoli, depending on your language.  The view of Naples from the train, shows a poorer shabbier side of Italy.

Pompeii Cityscape

We made our way to the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, full of sculptures, Pompeii items of paintings, mosaics, glassware, metal and pottery items.  After a number of hours we made our way out side for a pizza for lunch.

Pompeii Mosaics
Paintings from Pompeii

Pizza in Naples

After lunch we boarded another train to Scavi and walked to Herculaneum (, stop! we are wanting to go to Pompeii.  Oops, wrong place, a couple of photos and back to the train station to get a train to Pompeii. 


With  just over an hour to explore Pompeii we rushed around the ruins taking photos and exploring the remains of buildings.  To my disappointment where is the plaster bodies which is what remains of the residents, asking around I find they are stored in another area which we found in time, before leaving to get the three trains back to Barberini in Rome.  

Me at Pompeii

Inside a residence at Pompeii
Pompeii body and items

On the return we met an Italian Oil Dealer who gave us advise on the best place to get gelatos and to have a nice dinner in Rome, while we told him about Australia and recommended that he visit Victoria.  This is because he wanted an Italian style cultural experience and beaches with change rooms and not the free pristine beaches we know and love.   

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